GABM Goodwill Ambassadors


Global Association of Billionaires and Millionaires (GABM) is the philanthropic division of the G500 Private Investment Group. 

Most successful business people today, express an intense commitment and desire to serve as a Goodwill Ambassador of an efficient and effective philanthropic organization, where they can add value towards a well defined cause as a strong collective. 

In fact, most of these successful people share a deep concern for the world’s poor and a commitment to making the world a better place for all by eradicating global poverty, and ensuring environmental sustainability, and protecting human rights, etc.

Like the United Nations, GABM as a leading philanthropic organization enlists the voluntary services and support of likeminded successful and prominent people as GABM Goodwill Ambassadors to work with GABM to address the causes listed above.

As GABM embraces a vigorous expansion program in order to strengthen its corporate activities, resource capabilities and membership growth, it is currently in the process of firmly increasing the appointment of GABM Goodwill Ambassadors to achieve just that. By increasing the amount of GABM Goodwill Ambassadors internationally, GABM will significantly broaden its participation and contribution to philanthropic and entrepreneurial development programs and thereby contribute significantly to the global economy.

Besides from providing vital assistance in and towards the various GABM philanthropic programs, GABM Goodwill Ambassadors are most valuable in articulating the significant importance of corporate philanthropy to all the successful people of this world, and to inspire and motivate such fellow successful people to become part of the GABM fold that fights to change the morally unacceptable socio-economic environment of billions of struggling people all over the world.

This exciting and challenging GABM Goodwill Ambassador positions are however available only to visionary, dynamic and energetic executives and companies that qualify for Silver Associate Membership Status and are desirous to obtain such associate membership, and subscribes to its stringent values and principles.

There are no fees applicable to Silver Associate Membership, as this category of associate membership is only allocated to honorary associate members and GABM Goodwill Ambassadors on the sole discretion of GABM’s Board of Executives.

Ambassadors Qualifying Requirements

GABM is continuously interested in receiving nominations of qualified corporate organizations or qualified individuals that are capable and desirous to serve as a GABM Goodwill Ambassador. The granting of an exclusive GABM Goodwill Ambassador position is indeed a huge honor and privilege. Nominations for consideration can be forwarded to:

The President: Global Association of Billionaires and Millionaires

E-mail address:  

To qualify for an appointment as a GABM Goodwill Ambassador, a corporate organization or qualified individual must:

·         Be invited by the Board of Executives of GABM
·         Be a registered associate member of GABM with Silver Membership Status
·    Have ready access to local information pertaining to specialist legal, accounting and governmental guidelines and regulation matters
·         Have and exhibit integrity, loyalty, respect and stature in his profession and community
·         Be able and willing to represent GABM in an official capacity
·         Support and assist GABM in its International Expansion Program
·         Have ready access to A-grade office facilities
·         A GABM Goodwill Ambassador appointment is subject to the unconditional acceptance of, and compliance with, the Constitution of GABM, the general rules and regulations governing a GABM Goodwill Ambassador appointment, and the GABM Membership Charter.

Ambassadors Duties and Responsibilities

Every regional GABM Chamber consists of, or makes provision for a Regional Chamber Chairman as well as up to 12 GABM Goodwill Ambassador positions. The GABM Goodwill Ambassadors are responsible for the following general, primary as well as secondary duties and responsibilities:

General Responsibilities:

It is required from a GABM Goodwill Ambassador to: 

·    Acquire a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge, understanding and insight of the operations, principles, policies, procedures, objectives, goals, rules and regulations of the GABM organization, in order to effectively and efficiently represent the organization within the assigned country.
·  Promote the GABM organization and its overall philanthropic programs within the assigned country as well as to personal professional and social networks and corporate clients.

Primary Responsibility:

It is required from a GABM Goodwill Ambassador to assist the Regional Chamber Chairman with its aggressive ‘Associate Membership Expansion Program’ by identifying and inviting at least one qualified likeminded potential new member within the assigned country, for consideration by the Board of Executives.

Secondary Responsibility:

In addition, it is required from a GABM Goodwill Ambassador to assist the Regional Chamber Chairman in at least one of the following monthly activities: 

·       Assist GABM with its Award Program by identifying local corporations that contribute to society through its core business activities, its CSR policy and philanthropy programs as well as its engagement in public policy.
·         Promote GABM’s ‘Adopt a Student’ program to tertiary institutions and schools.
·       Promote GABM’s ‘Adopt an Entrepreneur’ program to tertiary institutions, Chambers of Commerce and local governments.
·       To comply with any other general requests from the GABM Board of Executives.

Ambassadors Application Procedure

Silver Membership Status of GABM is subject to its Membership Criteria, which is addressed in its Constitution.

There are no fees applicable to Silver Associate Membership, as this category of associate membership is only allocated to honorary associate members and GABM Goodwill Ambassadors on the sole discretion of GABM’s Board of Executives.

The procedure to apply for a GABM Goodwill Ambassador position is:

Existing GABM associate members:

·        Familiarize yourself with the general information about GABM
·        Familiarize yourself with GABM’s Constitution
·       Formulate a request in writing that fully motivates your (or the company’s) reason(s) for applying as a GABM Goodwill Ambassador (The request must be in English.)
·         Your application should be addressed to the President of GABM
·       E-mail your motivation letter as well as a copy of your most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV) (or a detailed Company Profile) to GABM 
·         Await assessment and acceptance (Every request will be strictly evaluated according to the merits contained in the applicant’s written request.)
·    It is required that the associate member sign the Legal Agreement pertaining to the GABM Goodwill Ambassador Position
·   The associate member’s details will be entered in the GABM Goodwill Ambassador Register
·        The associate member will be provided with a GABM Goodwill Ambassador Certificate

Should any of the information or contact details on the associate member’s original Member Application Form change, he should inform GABM in writing as soon as possible.


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