Global Association of Billionaires and Millionaires (GABM) is the philanthropic division of the G500 Private Investment Group.

GABM’s primary goal with its philanthropic programs is to aggressively support and develop global entrepreneurship by contributing corporate expertise, business opportunities and capital resources to various deserving candidates and projects.

GABM’s secondary goal emphasizes – and plays an active part in – the support of various other vital social, economic and environmental considerations.

GABM’s philanthropic and various other development programs include, but are not restricted to:

Tertiary Education Sponsorships

The GABM ‘Adopt a Student’ sponsorship program addresses social needs by furthering the professional ambitions of deserving underprivileged individuals across the globe, by providing them with graduate- and post-graduate study bursaries and sponsorships at approved universities.

A database of young, dynamic and deserving individuals are being updated from time to time by GABM, from which its associate members can select candidates to sponsor.

To date GABM associate members have provided tertiary education sponsorships for 12 369 deserving underprivileged individuals, and by so doing they have effectively transformed earlier unskilled and unemployed individuals into the business leaders and job creators of tomorrow.

Entrepreneurial Development Financing

The GABM ‘Adopt an Entrepreneur’ program has been initiated in September 2005 in support of global entrepreneurship development. GABM associate members have shown remarkable good corporate citizenship in this regard with the establishment of the $125-million US Dollar African Entrepreneurial Development Fund, which has kick-started the program.

The objective of the ‘Adopt an Entrepreneur’ program is to provide unsecured loans or grants, typically ranging from $1000 - $10 000 US Dollar, to those who normally do not qualify for traditional banking credit facilities.

The significance of the ‘Adopt an Entrepreneur’ program is that it would empower subsistence farmers and small entrepreneurs with the necessary resources and ability to take responsibility for their own lives by generating sufficient future income for their respective families’ needs and requirements, thereby ultimately alleviating poverty amongst the millions of poor Africans in communities where it is needed most.

A database of qualified deserving individuals is being updated from time to time by GABM, from which its associate members can select candidates to sponsor.

Corporate Investments and Partnerships

GABM’s corporate investments and partnerships program focuses on the creation of a vibrant business environment that will be conducive to the aggressive development of entrepreneurship and the creation of sustainable jobs through the funding of certain business development projects such as: Start-ups;  M.B.O. M.B.I. or L.B.O.; Mergers and acquisitions;  First and second phase financing;  Corporate restructurings;  Syndication funding ventures;  High yield speculation transactions;  Institutional investments; Financing of commodity transactions (high yield, short term transactions); Import/export finance or payment guarantees (high yield, short-term transactions); Property Developments, etc.

To fund these transactions, without requesting donations, GABM establishes $1-billion US Dollar capital funds on regular intervals in which its associate members can invest capital. Investment in these capital funds is completely voluntarily and only GABM associate members are allowed to invest capital. When a specific fund is fully subscribed, the investing associate members of the fund appoint an internationally recognized fund manager of their choice that is responsible to manage the funds on their behalf.

The life-cycle of each fund is perpetual but investing associate members can request the investment capital to be refunded after a period of 10 years. In terms of an agreement with the GABM investing associate members, 50 percent of all profits generated by these funds are donated to fund GABM philanthropic programs as determined and selected by the fund manager of each applicable fund, and the remaining 50 percent of the profits are paid back to the respective GABM investing associate members.

Thus, with a nominal investment in one or more of these capital funds, GABM associate members can participate in numerous philanthropic programs without donating or allocating capital at any stage, while simultaneously generating profits for themselves at the same time. GABM has currently ten $1-billion US Dollar funds, which fund such business development projects all over the world.

Corporate Rescues

While we focus on the development of entrepreneurs and to create more job opportunities, we find that thousands of skilled employees and professional individuals are still being laid off on a monthly basis due to the global economic recession of late, or as a result of corruption, or fraud, or ineffective management models.

To this end, GABM and its associate members have initiated a strategy to incorporate the ‘Corporate Rescue’ Program, aimed at corporations on the brink of liquidation, as a long-term philanthropic program.

Corporations facing liquidation:

We urge the Management of corporations facing potential liquidation to request assistance from GABM’s Board of Executives as soon as possible. The Management should then provide GABM with a mandate to appoint a consultation group or corporate advisory specialists and strategists from its fold, at no cost to the Management, to act on their behalf in an effort to save the company and assist with a most-likely corporate restructuring process. In addition, the Management of such corporations can submit the standard Executive Project Summary (EPS) document, available on the ‘Downloads’ section of our website together with the applicable Business Plan to GABM’s Board of Executives to apply for access to financing from GABM’s investing members to prevent liquidation and permanent job losses.

Corporate advisory specialists and strategists:

In our efforts to save corporates and businesses from liquidation and thousands of job losses, GABM appeal to corporate advisory specialists from all over the world to apply for GABM associate membership. As and when deemed necessary, GABM will invite these corporate advisory members to make available and invest their corporate expertise and valuable time as a consultant in such ‘Corporate Rescue’ consultation groups, specifically designed to save corporations from liquidation and to secure long-term employment of employees.

Equity Grants

GABM’s equity grants towards global natural and humanitarian disasters are funded from the funds generated by the annual GABM associate membership fees.

By making these donations GABM also believe it will serve as an encouragement to other like-minded and prominent organizations to become good corporate citizens, as well as to support our Let’s Do More Initiative.

Corporate Conferences, Functions and Seminars

Some associate members fund GABM corporate conferences, functions and seminars while others contribute by being the specialist guest speakers and presenters.

GABM hosts 12 annual international conferences in major cities all over the world.

With the emphasis on contributing to a safer and better global economy, GABM has also recognizes the importance of hosting and presenting corporate functions, presentations as well as seminars to share corporate expertise, knowledge and general business information between international business leaders that will include the following objectives:

·     To present matters of motivation, entrepreneurial innovation, global and local economic information and forecasts, as well as in-depth discussions on managerial and entrepreneurial and globalization issues that may have an impact on the global socio-economic environment
·     To support and promote the principle of good corporate citizenship that will accelerate the development of entrepreneurship and infrastructure as well as the translation of theoretical knowledge into practical results that will lead to the alleviation of global poverty
·  To support and promote good corporate governance practices within the business community and the public sector, which will address issues such as corruption, fraud, nepotism and individual responsibility


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